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The ARGs Desktop software provides a user-friendly graphical interface that allows you to effortlessly start, manage jobs, and visualize results. The primary components of the user interface include:

Create Job

In the Create Job section, you can initiate new tasks within the software by selecting the desired module, providing input data and parameters, and starting the job. The software will then process your data according to the chosen module.

To create a new job, you should choose the corresponding module you would like to use on the Home page. Also refer Modules.

Manage Job

Recent Page


This page shows you a real-time preview of the jobs that you have started during the current session of ARGs Desktop. You can click on any Job Card to go to the detail page of that job, where you can see the input and output paths, visualize the result, and check the log of the job.

History Page

history Here you can manage the history jobs.

Detail Page

detail On this page, you can see the input and output paths (which are clickable), the running parameters, the logs, and the support operations of a specific task.


Screenshot Settings

In the Settings section, you can configure and customize the software to suit your needs.

Options include setting default PATHs and output directory, updating preferences, and checking for software updates.

Environment Info

You can view the current environment information and system information on the Environment Information page.